Salaam aleikum (peace be with you) dear reader. My name is Saadiqah and I am a South African, English-speaking, Dutch/Afrikaner Muslim. What a mouthful! But I thought I’d mention it, as it is not a common occurrence to be this in SA… Most Afrikaners speak mother-tongue Afrikaans; most are Protestant Christians – and most Muslims in SA at the moment are of Malay/Indian descent, making me a minority twice over! So if you have just reverted and find yourself rather alone… join the club!J It’s so good to know though, that Islam goes far beyond mere race and culture, even if it doesn’t initially seem that way!
I grew up in a Pentecostal Christian home, before setting out on a long journey six years ago, to seek the Truth. I tried the Methodist church, became an Anglican, developed a great desire to become a nun – due to their devotion to a life of prayer, structure, purity, modesty, simplicity and holiness – and eventually became a member of the Roman Catholic Church in 2008. Since my early teens I loved the formal, traditional and ritualistic nature of Catholicism, and that they were fairly united and universal under the Pope in Rome , but it took reaching adulthood before I actually explored it. After five years of living a life of celibacy, and staying at five different convents, I finally realised that the life of a nun was not for me. My life came to standstill at a crossroads.
It was then that my interest in Islam – which was with me since at least 2008/9 led me to embrace this beautiful Way of Life. By the grace of Allah Ta’ala, I reverted to this wonderful Deen on 22 February, 2011 (18 Rabi-ul-Awwal, 1432). In Islam I found all that I valued in Catholicism and nunhood – and much more: I found a place to belong at last. Being a new Muslim in a largely non-Muslim neighbourhood can be a pretty isolating experience, but alhamdulillah, I couldn’t be happier! A month after becoming Muslim I published my reversion story online. It can be found at – published under “Stories of new Muslims, Women” and using my other, original (Christian) name Stephanie – if anyone is interested to read more…
I had learned valuable treasures in the past five-years – I developed a deep love for veiling, a firm conviction for high standards of modesty, discovered the mystery of my womanhood and what it implies for my life, learned more about myself, developed a passion for writing – and an interest and skills in dressmaking, which I am studying at the moment via correspondence.
As I absolutely loooove writing, I thought how lovely it would be to share some thoughts and experiences with others in case it will help them! I am sure that there are many other reverts to Islam out there – or those who, like me, are seekers of Truth and who are considering Islam at this time in their lives, and who may well identify with the issues I face. It would be a great joy (in this technological day and age) to “e-walk” alongside you, and give you encouragement and support in your journey of discovery! In my writing, I endeavour to avoid offending anyone, which may well be nigh impossible, but do know that I write from my own experiences and reflections, which are not necessarily the general views of Muslims as a whole. May Allah (swt) guide us all in submission to Him, and to praise His greatness and glory. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raajioon. To Allah do we belong, and to Him shall we all return…
MashAllah, what a great journey ending up at the destination of absolute truth, the Islam. It is amazing to see how Allah guides whom He wills in numerous mysterious ways.