Saturday, 03 March 2012

ALLAH - The ONE UP There

ﺒﺴﻤ ﺎﷲ ﻠﺮﺤﻤﻦ ﻠﺮﺤﻳﻤ
This weekend – thanks to a much-needed rest – I got a wonderful opportunity to visit my parents after almost two months away. Resting at their peaceful home, I thought I’d share that great topic I mentioned in my previous post. This last post may have come as a surprise to some of my readers after writing such an exciting post about wearing niqaab, but then again – I am full of surprises! Truth is, I just found it was not for me in this place and time. I hope none of my niqaab-wearing sisters were not offended at my association of the niqaab with the Taliban; it was just a subjective thought moving through my mind. In truth, I know several wonderful niqaabis and they are peace-loving anti-terrorists. It is a really brave thing to do and I salute the warrior Muslimahs out there who have the Imaan to choose this act of personal devotion and stick to it.

Enough of that, I just had to share this awesome discovery I made a week or two back. It concerns the Most Holy Name of Allah. Some of my readers may remember that calligraphic artwork I shared in some posts back (see October 2011), of the Kalimah written out on see-through plastic. It was this very piece of work which put me on this new discovery.

Let me tell you how it all happened…

When I moved in my flat, I put the Kalimah up on a wall. I noticed that if I sat in the bathroom with the door open, or if I sat on my bed, I could see the Kalimah backwards in the mirror, which hung on the wall adjacent to it. One day doing just this, I looked at the mirror and spotted something eye-catching – the letters making up the Name of Allah looked like they spelt something in English. When I wrote “Allah” in Arabic on a piece of paper and stood in front of the mirror, I was astounded – the phrase I saw described just Who Allah is…

1 UP. He is the ONE UP there; the Only One Who is beyond and above everything. Subhan’Allah!!! It is even written in His Name. Wow…

May this little ayah of Allah SWT touch your heart as it did mine J


1 comment:

  1. one up.. its an english word, the new language after arabic.. its a sign to us, that He was there, every second..
